Hold On!

Mary wore three links of chain 
Every link was Jesus name
Keep your hand on that plow, hold on
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, 
keep your hand on that plow, hold on.

Mary, Mark, Luke and John 
All these prophets so good and gone
Keep your hand on that plow, hold on
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, 
keep your hand on that plow, hold on.

Well, I never been to heaven 
But I've been told streets up there 
  are lined with gold
Keep your hand on that plow, hold on

Oh Lord, Oh Lord, keep your hand on that plow, hold on.
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, keep your hand on that plow, hold on.
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, keep your hand on that plow, hold on.

Keep Your Hands on the Plow

Mary wore three links of chain, 
every link was Jesus name. 
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on!

Paul and Silas bound in jail, 
had nobody for to go their bail. 
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on!

Paul and Silas began to shout, 
jail doors opened and they walked out. 
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on!

Peter was so nice and neat, 
wouldn't let Jesus wash his feet. 
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on!

Jesus said, "If I wash them not, 
you'll have no father in this lot." 
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on!

Peter got anxious and he said, 
"Wash my feet, my hands and head." 
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on!

Got my hands on the gospel plow, 
wouldn't take nothin' for my journey now. 
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on!

lapej dl

Kdy sv ?ern t?lo necejt
m tden hlad, ze? v blt? sp
mus jt, jen to nevzdvej, tak lapej dl

Ref: Jen dl, jen dl
     na zdech v ranci m jen bdu svou
     tak jen lapej dl

Kdy m d?t na lichtu mizernou
sv znm v lochu, holku nev?rnou
m?e klt, jen to nevzdvej, lapej dl

Ref: Jen dl ...

Kdy m pech toho kdo nekejv
tvejch slavnejch kamard? ubejv
pak sm v, t?m u neschz, lapej dl

Ref: Jen dl ...

Je ns vc, nemme zastn,
jen patnou barvu, patn vyznn
?ernej mrak, kter nar?st, lapej dl

R: Jen dl, jen dl
   na zdech v ranci m i vru svou
   tak s n lapej dl


     Hold On (arr. Hairston)
audio file
     Hold On (white Holiness)
audio file
     Hold On!
audio file
     Keep Your Hand on the Plow
audio file
     Hold On
audio file

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Paul Robeson / Live at Carnegie Hall
Paul Robeson / Live at Carnegie Hall
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