Wade in the Water

Ref: Wade in the water, 
     wade in the water, children, 
     wade in the water, 
     God's a-gonna trouble the water.

See that host all dressed in white, 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 
The leader looks like the Israelite, 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 

Ref: Wade in the water ...

See that band all dressed in red, 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 
Looks like the band that Moses led, 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 

Ref: Wade in the water ...

See that band all dressed in black
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 
They crossed over Egypt, aint never going back
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 

Ref: Wade in the water ...

Look over younder, what do I see? 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 
The Holy Ghost a-coming on me, 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 

Ref: Wade in the water ...

Look over yonder, what do you see?
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 
The Holy Ghost a-coming on me
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 

Ref: Wade in the water ...

If you don't believe I've been redeemed, 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 
Just follow me down to Jordan's stream, 
God's a-gonna trouble the water. 

Dl, dl tou vodou

Ref: Dl, dl tou vodou, 
dl, dl tou vodou, brat?,
dl, dl tou vodou, 
ne vtr vlny kaln rozbou?.

Bl zstup sp?ch dl, 
vtr vlny kaln rozbou?,
hned v patch vojsko m, kter vyslal krl, 
vtr vlny kaln rozbou?.

Ref: Dl, dl ...

Blesk? z? nm svt tmou, 
vtr vlny kaln rozbou?,
kdo dojde k cli, zem spat? svobodnou, 
vtr vlny kaln rozbou?.

Ref: Dl, dl ...


     Wade in the Water
audio file
     Wade in de Water
audio file
     Wade in the Water
audio file
     Wade In The Water
audio file
     Wade In The Water
audio file
     Wade in the water
audio file
     Wade In The Water
audio file
     Wade in the water
audio file

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Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit (anglicky)
Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit (anglicky)
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