My Lord, What a Morning

Ref: My Lord, what a morning!
     My Lord, what a morning!
     O my Lord, what a morning!
     When the stars begin to fall.

Youll hear a sinner mourn,
To wake the nations underground,
Looking to my Gods right hand,
When the stars begin to fall.

Ref: My Lord ...

Youll hear a sinner pray,
To wake the nations underground,
Looking to my Gods right hand,
When the stars begin to fall.

Ref: My Lord ...

Youll hear a Christian shout,
To wake the nations underground,
Looking to my Gods right hand,
When the stars begin to fall.

Ref: My Lord ...

Youll hear a Christian sing,
To wake the nations underground,
Looking to my Gods right hand,
When the stars begin to fall.

Ref: My Lord ...


     My Lord, What a Mornin'
audio file
     My Lord, What a Morning
audio file
     My Lord, What a Morning!
audio file

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Zapomenuté heslo

Irena Budweiserov / Kori ?asu
Irena Budweiserov / Kori ?asu
195,00 K?
Včetně DPH 19%
Hostuje, © David Zirhut -, 2025
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